The Preservation of God’s People
By Jorge Sedaca, Executive Director, Chosen People Ministries (Canada)
By Jorge Sedaca, Executive Director, Chosen People Ministries (Canada)
As I look at some of the latest things taking place in world politics, I am reminded once again that Adonai, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and the Father of Yeshua Ha Mashiach, Jesus the Messiah, ALWAYS keeps His Word and His promises. This is particularly true as it relates to Israel, His Chosen People.
In Genesis 12, God promised Abraham that He would “bless those who bless you, and curse those who curse you.” This covenant was repeated to Abraham’s son Isaac (Gen. 26) and then to Isaac’s son, Jacob/Israel (Gen. 27).
To me it is interesting to see how world leaders and powers come and go, but the Lord and His Word remain true forever! Some of these leaders and nations even advocate the total destruction and annihilation of the Jewish people and of Israel as a nation. And yet, they keep on passing into history while Israel and the Jewish people remain under God’s protection.
One of the messages I present when invited to speak in congregations and churches is entitled “The Preservation of God’s People.” In it I do an overview of the many attempts to destroy Israel, starting with the book of Genesis and through the book of Revelation, then going on throughout history to the present time. It is an awesome thing to see God’s powerful hand saving His people time after time, destroying enemy after enemy, and fulfilling His covenant promise made to Abraham so many centuries ago!
Yes, God had a plan for Israel from eternity past. He is still carrying out His plan in the present. And He will fulfill His plan for Israel in the future according to His eternal Word! AND YOU CAN COUNT ON THAT!