You can share the message of the Jewish Messiah, Jesus, with Jewish people during one of the most opportune times of the year.
Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, begins at sundown on October 2. Almost all Jewish people will observe it—even the non-religious and agnostic will be seeking out services to attend; for many, it will be the only time of the year they do so.
Our partners here in Canada and across the globe are gearing up to offer High Holiday services that will not only celebrate Rosh Hashanah, but also help Jewish people see how their Messiah, Jesus, made atonement for them on the cross.
Please be part of these services, through your prayers, and through your generous giving. As you donate today, you will help reach Jewish people at a critical time, and also support our Mission’s overall goal of sharing Messiah with 125,000 Jewish people.
Please pray, then give as generously as you can.
Remember, Rosh Hashanah begins on October 2, so there is no time to lose.