Inside Israel News
Week of January 14, 2025
Week of January 14, 2025
Architects and Engineers Collaborate To Rebuild War-Torn Homes in Israel
Fourteen straight months of war in Israel have left massive
collateral damage—including the destruction of numerous civilian residences. This devastation has forced the evacuation and relocation of many Israeli families. Moreover, neither private nor public insurance could possibly defray all the costs entailed in rebuilding
villages ravaged by Hamas and Hezbollah rocket attacks. Thanks to the benevolence and piety of their fellow citizens, however, many now homeless Israelis have the hope and promise of affordable new housing.
Rabbi Shlomo Raanan, chair of Ayelet Hashachar (“doe of the morning”; Proverbs 5:19) Organization, initiated the Together at Home Project in which he assembled about one hundred architects, designers, and engineers who were willing to work pro bono to provide new homes for displaced families. Leading the task force is architect Rivka Raanan, the rabbi’s daughter-in-law. The project has already received accolades from the Israeli government—specifically, Vered Solomon-Maman, Chief Architect of the Ministry of Construction and Housing.
Israelis in private residences and on kibbutzim across the nation have been steadily sending in photographs, letters, and email messages and have used other modes of communication to furnish evidence for their housing needs. One woman shared that her husband nearly died trying to protect his family from the rubble falling off what remained of their collapsing house. A father wanted to construct a synagogue on his kibbutz in commemoration of his son who died after Hamas attacked and left their settlement in ruins. To quote Rabbi Raanan, “The [Together at Home] Project is not just about rebuilding homes; it’s about healing rifts and strengthening the fabric of Israeli society.”
Please pray that as professional volunteers work to restore the infrastructure of Israel, many on both sides of the conflict that has caused this devastation would be restored to a right relationship with the Father through a saving knowledge of His Son Jesus Christ, Prince of Peace.
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Israeli Non-Profits Open Dedicated Helpline
Survivors of wars past and present in the Land of Israel can all attest to the fact that international hostilities leave many living casualties. Like its predecessors, the
current Swords of Iron War has traumatized soldiers on the front lines as well as their families back home. Especially poignant about this conflict is that it began with the abduction of 250 people, and nearly one hundred remain in captivity in Gaza to this day.
For this reason, near the end of 2023, the Kamim (“Let us rise up”) Foundation and NATAL (Israel Trauma and Resiliency Center) collaborated to plan a telephone hotline furnishing both emotional and psychological support for released hostages and their next of kin suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. The helpline was inspired by the American September 11 Victim Compensation Fund, financed largely by B’nai-Brith International, and officially launched on January 6.
NATAL was established in Tel Aviv in 1998 by psychiatrist Yossi Hadar and psychotherapist Jude Yovel Recanati. Its present CEO is Efrat Shaprut. The Kamim Foundation was initiated in Tel Aviv in 2023 primarily by the Hostage Families Forum along with wealthy benefactors and patrons. Its current CEO is attorney Shay Shoham.
Please pray for the safe and swift return of all hostages to their families, an end to all hostilities in the Holy Land, emotional and psychological healing for all those afflicted with PTSD because of the ongoing war, and the salvation of all souls on both sides of the conflict.
Recently Posted Map Of Biblical Israel enrages Some Jordanian Leaders
Managers of the Israel Arabic account on the social media network X recently uploaded a simple map of Israel as it appeared in 928 BCE. It has captions in Arabic and delineates the boundary between the ancient kingdoms of Israel and Judah which split after King Solomon died in 930 BCE (1 Kings 11:11-13, 11:29-39, and 12:16-19). As Judah and Israel encompassed parts of what are now Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and the West Bank, the map elicited the indignation of Jordan and the United Arab Emirates even though it does not refer in any way to the geopolitical status of the present-day Middle East.
The most outspoken critic of the map was Dr. Sufyan Qudah of the Jordanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He denounced it as “inflammatory” and implied that Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich was leveraging it to advocate the “annexation of the West Bank and the establishment of settlements in the Gaza Strip.” He went on to accuse the Israeli government of “denying…Palestinians [the] right to establish their [own] independent and sovereign state along the June 4, 1967 lines, with occupied Jerusalem as its capital.”
Representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the U.A.E. also condemned the map as a “deliberate effort [on the part of Israel] to expand the occupation and a blatant violation and contravention of international law.” They also stressed their “categorical rejection of all provocative practices aimed at altering the legal status of the Occupied Palestinian Territory” and “…impeding endeavors to achieve peace and stability in the region.”
However, the managers of the Israel Arabic account on X countered with the statement that “…the Kingdom of Israel existed 3,000 years ago,” and “…the Jewish people in the [D]iaspora continued to look forward to the revival of their powers and capabilities, and the rebuilding of their state, which was declared in the State of Israel in 1948 to become the only democracy in the Middle East.”
Please pray that those on both sides of the conflict would be united in the saving knowledge of the God of Israel and Yeshua, His Son, Prince of Peace, and would recognize that the Land of Israel was sovereignly established by Him.
The IDF Commits To Providing Aid and Benefits To Past and Present Lone Soldiers and Lone Reservists
The Lone Soldier Center defines lone soldiers as [members of the IDF] “with no family in Israel to support them: olim chadashim (new immigrants), volunteers from abroad, orphans, or individuals from broken homes.” There are about seven thousand lone soldiers currently serving in the IDF. Of these, half are either parentless or come from impoverished families while another 45% are olim chadashim. The remainder include [former] haredim (ultra-Orthodox Jews) who were shunned by their religious communities because they chose to serve in the national armed forces.
Along with the physical, mental, and emotional health hazards that all IDF soldiers face, lone soldiers must also contend with borderline poverty, loneliness, homesickness, and even the lack of basic information about IDF regulations and protocols. Moreover, since the outbreak of the Swords of Iron War at the end of the Feast of Tabernacles in early October 2023, the IDF and the Israeli Government have officially recognized a new category of lone soldier: the lone reservist.
The IDF has defined lone reservists as those who became lone soldiers upon their release from regular military service, have a maximum of ten years of regular service remaining, and served over two months reserve duty during the current Israel-Hamas War. Based on the foregoing criteria, the Knesset Immigration, Absorption, and Diaspora Affairs Committee deemed eight thousand IDF reservists eligible to receive gift cards, discounted airfare, psychotherapy, and reimbursements for certain work-related expenses.
Ach Gadol (“Big Brother”), a lone soldier support group, has stated that many of its clients lack the wherewithal to readapt to civilian life and must take care of their own spouses and children in the absence of any familial network. The Lone Soldier Organization Forum along with Ach Gadol and the Knesset Immigration, Absorption, and Diaspora Affairs Committee are currently lobbying to pass the proposed lone soldier and lone reservist support measures into federal law.
Please pray that the proposed reforms to legislation regarding aftercare for lone IDF soldiers find favour with the Israeli government. Pray also for an end to the war, the safe return of the hostages to their homes and families, and the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, Prince of Peace on both sides of the conflict.
Fruit from the Frontlines
Chosen People Ministries—Israel Staff Bring Warmth to the Weary
Over 460 days of constant war from five different fronts against Israel has led to sorrow, mourning, fear, and a weariness in many Israelis who live under this continual stress. Although “daily life” has resumed, one nagging necessity causes Israelis to endlessly scan their surroundings wherever they go: “where is the nearest shelter if a rocket siren sounds now?” And at night, shoes and a bathrobe are ready beside the bed in case a red alert siren goes off and they have mere seconds to make it to shelter.
This has been especially difficult for residents of border towns near Lebanon and Gaza where somewhere between a handful to over a hundred rockets are launched daily. Because death and destruction are very much a part of life right now, people are not only happy to receive our staff’s help but are also open to talk about spiritual matters. Soldiers also gladly receive our staff’s prayers and are willing to hear what we believe about Yeshua (Jesus). One missionary reports,
Serving Israel’s reserve soldier units is a blessing. They are last in line in the army’s priorities, and many are on the front lines in Nike and Adidas shoes. I delivered thirty boots and thirty gloves to a tank unit in the south and in and out of Gaza. To say that they were thankful is an understatement. They all know me now by name and send me thank-you videos and notes.
Another missionary brought four suitcases full of warm clothing and jackets for reserve soldiers sleeping outside in the north in the cold winter. Our staff was able to hand them out personally to the soldiers who pass through the Nahariyya train station, and they had some very touching conversations with soldiers who stopped to talk.
Please pray for divine strength for the people of Israel, both civilians and soldiers. Pray for them to be physically and spiritually clothed and fed, and for our staff as they bring both to them in Yeshua’s name.
Orthodox Optometrist Looks at Yeshua
One of the many people our missionaries in Nahariyya know and care about is Shimon*. He is an optometrist and has a local shop. Over the years of eye exams, eyeglass purchases, and personal conversations, our staff have developed a friendly relationship with him. He a religious Jewish man with whom our staff members have discussed faith in Yeshua several times.
Recently, our congregation gave gift cards to shopkeepers in Nahariyya to encourage them, because the war has been especially hard for small, local businesses. One of the shopkeeper recipients was Shimon. Our missionary tells:
When I walked into Shimon’s shop, he stepped out from the counter to shake my hand. I gave him the gift card, and he thanked me. I told him that the gift cards were donations from well-meaning Christians in the USA who love Israel and want to help.
Since Shimon and I have a long-standing relationship, in the past I have freely spoken about the Tanakh [Hebrew Bible, or Old Testament] and Messiah, although he has held a very traditional and skeptical opinion about Yeshua. The first time we spoke, he asked me, “How could you be Jewish and believe in Yeshua?” After much discussion, he accepts me as Jewish although I believe in Yeshua, but still has a hard time accepting Yeshua as the Messiah.
However, this time, Shimon’s willingness to discuss the Tanakh and the prophecies concerning the coming of Messiah was a window to his openness.
Please pray for Shimon and other weary Israelis. Pray for them to see God’s financial provision for them during this difficult season of war, and the spiritual provision of Yeshua as their Messiah and hope—not just for this time but for all eternity. Pray for us as we continue to proclaim this message to Shimon and others.
Our Staff in Tel Aviv Bring Hope to Women
With the war, people need others more than ever. Our ministry center in Tel Aviv is a hub of fellowship and outreach. From group Bible studies to one-on-one meetings, Sabbath meals to worship gatherings, every day our staff serves people in Yeshua’s name. We call our place “HaMercaz” (the center) because it is a center with Yeshua at the center.
We minister to children, mothers, students, soldiers, workers, Holocaust survivors, and more. At this moment, we would like to tell about some of the women we connect with in Tel Aviv.
“You are going to study the book of Daniel at the Hebrew ladies’ Bible study?” Hannah* exclaimed excitedly, “I’m coming!” And not only did she come to study Daniel at the center, but she was also very engaged in reading and discussing the text! We prayerfully and gladly plant these seeds, knowing that God’s Word never returns empty.
“I can’t express to you enough how much HaMercaz has meant to me personally,” Liel* told our staff after the devotional at the ladies’ brunch. She has participated in community at the center for years and is very involved in our programs and events. Our hearts rejoice to see her growing in her faith and personal walk with the Lord!
A first-time visitor, Abigail*, came to our recent ladies’ brunch at the center. Before leaving, she caught one of our missionary staff and eagerly told her that although she is a believer and has been in Israel for two years, she has not found a group as open and vulnerable as this. She was so appreciative!
Yehudit* came to faith in Yeshua (Jesus) a few years ago through a vision, but since she lives in a very religious Jewish community, she has never been able to attend a local congregation. Thankfully, however, our ministry center is within walking distance from her work. Since her first visit to HaMercaz several weeks ago, she has come to nearly every midweek ladies’ Bible study and brunch!
After setting down her belongings, she always comes straight to our staff and asks to help. She goes around and takes hot beverage orders from the ladies, makes fabulous hot chocolate, and helps with the food setup. It is a great joy to see her building friendships with the other ladies and reading the Bible together! We love her and thank the Lord for allowing our center to be her place for spiritual encouragement as she would otherwise have no fellowship.
Please pray for Hannah, Liel, Abigail, Yehudit, and all the other women to whom our staff minister day by day in Bible studies and other events. Pray for the believers to continue to deepen their faith, the not-yet-believers to be open and receive salvation and new life in Yeshua, and for our staff to be wise and sensitive as they serve these women with Jesus in the center of it all.
*Names changed for privacy
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