Tag Archive for: Yeshua
Jesus and the Jewish people – a look at history
in Blogs, Devotional Study, Israel, Jewish History/by CPM CanadaTag Archive for: Yeshua
Keswick Christian Church, Keswick, ON – Araujo
in The Name of Yeshua/by luba1Topic: “THE NAME OF YESHUA”
Marcello Araujo
Marcello Araujo was born and raised in a Jewish family in the South American country of Ecuador. As he grew up, this nice Jewish boy became a political activist who wanted to change the world through Marxism.
Immanuel Baptist Church, St.Catharines, ON – Bortsova
in /by luba1Anna Bortsova
Anna was born and raised in St. Petersburg, Russia. Her father coached a Soviet Olympics team and her mother taught English as a Second Language. After Anna married Vladimir Bortsov, they lived and worked in Kazakhstan, one of the southern former Soviet republics. In 1991, both Vladimir and Anna accepted the Lord.
Upper Thames Missionary Church, Mitchell, ON – Araujo
in Passover Presentation/by luba1MESSIAH IN THE PASSOVER
Marcello Araujo
Marcello Araujo was born and raised in a Jewish family in the South American country of Ecuador. As he grew up, this nice Jewish boy became a political activist who wanted to change the world through Marxism.
To Jo’s Christia Family Camp, Elmvale, ON – Bortsova
in Speaker's Choice/by luba1Anna Bortsova
Anna was born and raised in St. Petersburg, Russia. Her father coached a Soviet Olympics team and her mother taught English as a Second Language. After Anna married Vladimir Bortsov, they lived and worked in Kazakhstan, one of the southern former Soviet republics. In 1991, both Vladimir and Anna accepted the Lord.

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