Rejoice and Celebrate the Miracle of the Incarnation of Yeshua
by Jorge Sedaca
by Jorge Sedaca
I’m amazed at how many people have no idea of what Christmas is all about.
Many just like to have an excuse to party, eat, drink, and be merry! Others emphasize family gatherings and the togetherness of the season, which is good. Some remember that this is a season of giving, although they don’t know why or how it all started.
Then, of course, there is the big guy with the beard whose image is everywhere. And lines of people buying gifts, food, and all kinds of other ‘stuff.’
In our house, we like to make sure that MESSIAH IS THE ONLY REASON for celebrating. My wife, Marta, collects nativity scenes from all over the world. She puts them out around the house as a reminder of Who we are honouring. We even put one in the front yard with lights as a testimony to the neighbourhood. By the way, it’s the only one in the area. All the other houses have lights, reindeer, snowmen, Santa Claus, and even one with penguins! But none of them mention Yeshua as the reason for the season.
Here is the Greatest Gift of all time given to humanity and most people are missing Him!
Here is God reaching down to us personally and many refuse to acknowledge Him!
Here is the only, true LOVE that we can experience from Adonai Himself, and yet most people want to settle for much less!
So, as you and I celebrate the indescribable gift of God in Yeshua, let us not forget to share Him with family, friends, and neighbours. It is up to you and me to tell the Good News of hope, love, joy, forgiveness, salvation, abundant and eternal life that can ONLY be found in God’s Son, Yeshua Ha Mashiach, Jesus the Messiah!
Enjoy and share!
Jorge Sedaca
National Director