Never Again, the Holocaust Remembered is a collection of stories from the Chosen People Ministries’ archives detailing the courage, bravery and grace found in the midst of the unspeakable tragedy of the Holocaust. This book reminds us that the Lord was still at work during those difficult days and encourages us to stand up for the Jewish people, pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and oppose growing antisemitism today.
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These stories reveal sparks of grace
during the worst of times that I hope will
show you God’s faithfulness even in
the midst of humanity’s darkest hour.
In reading these stories you might
very well be brought to tears. I was!
I also hope you discover the Lord of
all comfort who will point your heart
to His goodness and the salvation
He brings through the death and
resurrection of His only begotten Son.
—Dr. Mitch Glaser
Papa tried to explain that this was not
the flag of the Red Army, but they wanted
to hear nothing. With brutal kicking they
drove my husband outside and forced him
to carry the flag above his head. I kissed my
dear husband and wanted to hold hem, but
was brushed aside roughly.
That was the last time I saw him.
He has never come back that way.
— Mrs. Lydia Spoerri Feinstein
Extract from
“Never again – the Holocaust remembered”