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Doug at 416-465-5671, Patrick at 905-773-0956 or Claude at 905-284-1341
FRIDAY PRAYER MEETING – September 25, 2020 @ 7:30-8:30 PM
SATURDAY – September 26, 2020
- Session I @ 4:00 PM
“Israel in Types, Pictures, Shadows, as They Relate to God,
to Us and the World “Presenter: Marcello Araujo
- Session II @ 5:00 PM
“Covenants and Feasts – What Do They Teach Us Today?”
Presenter: Charles Chaim Hopkin
- Session III @ 7:00 PM
” Israel Today and in the Future – What Comes Next
in Israel’s Calendar and the Lord’s Return?”Presenter: Ben Volman
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Marcello Araujo Marcello was born and raised in a Jewish family in Ecuador, South America. As he grew up, this nice Jewish boy became a political activist who wanted to change the world through Marxism. Marcello studied drama and eventually formed a politically oriented theatre troupe designed to spread the “good news” of the gospel according to Marx. Today, Marcello uses drama and other creative means to effectively communicate the Good News of Messiah to the lost sheep of Israel. |
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Charles Chaim Hopkin In 1983 in Dar es Salaam, Charles attended a Bible study; his life would never be the same. When the leader taught from Jeremiah 17:1-5 and Psalm 1, Charles totally surrendered to God and was transformed. The LORD God led Charles and his late wife, Joan, to pioneer an English service in their local congregation. From this an Ethiopian and another ethnic congregation were started. As well, Charles ministered with other organizations, at a juvenile detention centre, an orphanage, in private and government-run schools. Meanwhile, Charles and Joan joined Youth With A Mission (YWAM), working in England, Kenya, Uganda and Canada. They attended the Discipleship Training School, Basic Leadership School and School of Community Counselling. They also served as house-staff, school staff and as Team leaders of small teams in Kenya and Tanzania. Charles led prayer teams from Tanzania to Israel and to other cities in Africa. He has studied with Bible Study Fellowship International and has completed several Messianic Yeshiva courses. Despite the fact that he has a Jewish heritage, Charles grew up without knowing anything about it – although he was always rooting for Israel. A visit to Jerusalem’s Kotel (Western or Wailing Wall) during the Fall Feasts of 1998 was a turning point. He felt Isaiah 11:11-12 become a reality in his life. Eventually, God called Charles and Joan to Canada – the Land of Immigrants. Charles has been on staff with Chosen People Ministries (Canada) since 2008. He lives and serves in Winnipeg where he pastors our Messianic fellowship, Kehilat Haverim Mashiach / Friends of Messiah Congregation. |
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Ben Volman Ben Volman grew up in a conservative Jewish home in Toronto. As a young student of philosophy and English at the University of Toronto, he began to consider the reality of God and the person of Jesus of Nazareth. After reading the Bible, his search for truth led him to a campus meeting to hear the well-known Jewish evangelist, Art Katz. At that meeting in 1976, Ben allowed Jesus to become his Lord and Saviour and his life was changed. Ben became involved with the Messianic Jewish congregational movement and felt led to become better equipped for leadership. He entered Knox College (Toronto School of Theology, University of Toronto) and earned his M.Div., including a period of graduate work in Chicago, both at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and Spertus College of Judaica. Between 1982 and 1991 Ben worked for three missions, including five years as a Messianic congregational planter for Chosen People Ministries in Toronto. Since then, Ben has been a senior fundraising administrator and a consultant to Christian ministries and is a published author. He has also been a national board member of the Messianic Jewish Alliance of Canada and served on the administrative committee of the International Messianic Jewish Alliance. He has been a contributing editor and Executive Director of The Messianic Times. His testimony and articles on Israel and Messianic Judaism have appeared in international publications. He is currently Vice-President and Canada Regional Director of the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations (UMJC). Ben re-joined our staff in 2010, congregation planting in Toronto and mentoring our newer missionaries. Ben lives in Toronto with his wife, Sue, and their adult son, Jonathan. |
SUNDAY – September 27, 2020
- Session IV @ 11:30 AM
“The Feast of Tabernacles: Its Meaning and Significance”Presenter: Michael Wodlinger
- Session V @ 2:30 PM
“The Meaning of Passover – A Live Demonstration”Presenter: Jorge Sedaca
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Michael Wodlinger Michael Wodlinger is a Jewish believer who was raised in a Jewish home in Toronto. His grandparents immigrated to Canada from the Ukraine in the late 1800s. Michael Wodlinger has been a professional educator for over 50 years, as teacher, administrator, researcher, author, consultant and counsellor. He has a Masters of Theological Study in Spiritual Formation at Tyndale Seminary, Toronto, a Masters degree from the University of Toronto, in Educational Theory and a Doctorate from the University of Alberta. Michael has been working with educators in industry, health services, education, and churches. Prior to his retirement, Michael was employed as Associate Professor of Education and Director of University Research at Nipissing University, Ontario. An author of several books on adult education, reflective practice, effective mentoring and numerous other publications, Michael has focused his professional activities on critical thinking, decision making and mentoring skills. Michael came to faith in Messiah Jesus later in life. Intrigued by the changes in his wife, Chantal, when she first came to faith, Michael’s curiosity and the gentle ministry of dear friends eventually brought him to the Lord. A Chosen People Ministries staff member had the privilege of praying with him when Michael decided to trust in the Lord. Michael began his latest phase of career and ministry by serving with Chosen People Ministries in Toronto, Winnipeg and most recently Quebec where Michael and Chantal create and broadcast monthly Bible Studies and weekly Devotions through their website: www.heartformessiah.org, You Tube and Facebook. Michael and Chantal are active in the community, volunteering and sharing the Gospel. Michael and Chantal are currently discipling a small group of adult Believers and their children who are discovering their Hebraic roots. |
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Jorge Sedaca Executive Director of Chosen People Ministries (Canada) since the fall of 2010, Jorge Sedaca brings vast experience in the areas of congregational planting, missions, leadership development, as well as teaching and preaching ministries. Jorge was born in Spain and raised in Argentina, Uruguay and the USA. He is a second generation Jewish believer. His father, Victor Sedaca, was a pioneer in the Messianic movement in the US and Latin America. His brother, David, has been a well-known leader in the international Messianic movement and currently works with Chosen People Ministries in the US and teaches periodically at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Although his first call to ministry was in the area of music and worship, Jorge ultimately surrendered to God’s call to preach and teach His Word, as well as to become a church planting missionary. In this capacity, he pastored in Argentina, Louisiana and Michigan. His passion to reach the lost sheep of Israel and educate the Gentile church to do the same has provided him with many opportunities to speak at conferences, seminars and workshops in Latin America and North America. Jorge has a Bachelor’s degree from the Buenos Aires Municipal Conservatory of Music and a Master’s degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is pursuing his Doctor of Ministry degree in Missions and Leadership Development from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Jorge and Marta Sedaca have three grown children, two grand-daughters and a grandson (now with the Lord).
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