Yeshua’s resurrection from the dead is not only miraculous, powerful, and demonstrates that He is GOD and has power over death and the tomb. It is also the guarantee of our own resurrection, with a new and glorified physical body to last for all eternity! That means no more death, pain, suffering, illness, sickness, doctor’s visits, medicine, sick days, hair to take care of, beauty salons, exercise programs, grocery shopping, AND no more diets! All this, God gives us just because He loves His children, those like us who have trusted in Yeshua’s atoning sacrifice and glorious resurrection. We don’t trust in ourselves, our power, our accomplishments, or in any of our good efforts, no matter how good, righteous or spiritual they might be. Our trust and our only hope for eternity is in Yeshua, and His finished (complete, final, no additions needed) work at the cross. Period! All the other things we do in service and obedience to Him are – or should be – our response to Him in gratitude for what He has done for us. There should be no other motive! We don’t serve Him to gain our way into or a better position in heaven! My prayer for myself, my family and my beloved fellow servants like you, is that we would have a pure heart, full of pure intentions as we walk everyday with Him and serve Him faithfully!
Another very important fact about Yeshua’s resurrection: it sets Him apart from any other religious leader that ever existed, past, present or future! The tombs of these other individuals can be visited and their remains are still there. Yeshua’s tomb is EMPTY! Whether you believe it’s the Garden Tomb, or the one at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, or any other site, the tomb is EMPTY! His body is not there! There is NO-BODY there! He has risen from the dead and is ALIVE! He sits at the right hand of God the Father, and lives in us through the Ruach Ha Kodesh, the Holy Spirit! And He is coming back again, just like He promised. In fact, by all signs around us, it looks like it’s going to be sooner rather than later. I don’t know when, but every day the clock is ticking, and we’re getting closer and closer. That’s why we need to continue and increase our efforts to share the Good News of Messiah’s message with Jews and Gentiles alike! Time is running out quickly, and many people are stepping into eternity without Yeshua. I’m praying for my own family members, relatives, and friends that still have not accepted nor followed Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. I hope you’re praying for your own network of family and friends that need Yeshua. May we not just pray, but do whatever is in our power and realm of possibilities to share Messiah with them before it’s too late. Let’s pray for one another to have the courage, boldness, and resolve to do this, in Yeshua’s Name, with the power of the Holy Spirit!
Shalom in Messiah,
Jorge Sedaca