By Jorge Sedaca, Executive Director Chosen People Ministries (Canada)
By Jorge Sedaca, Executive Director Chosen People Ministries (Canada)
This is the prevailing situation in most secular colleges and universities, not only in Canada, but around the world. The well-known BDS movement (Boycott, Divest and Sanction) against Israel and Jewish causes has infiltrated even high schools and is influencing the minds, souls, and hearts of our young people. These are the leaders of the future whose negative views of Israel will influence whatever decisions they make at the political, social, economic, educational or religious level in which they choose to be active.
The question is: What are you and I going to do about it?
We can stand by idly on the sidelines and say how sad and shameful this is. This will do nothing to stop the development of this anti-Semitic cancer. Or we can choose to speak the truth in love about Israel and its relationship to its neighbours. We can tell others about Israel’s efforts for peace in the region. We can stay informed so that we can speak about the constant attacks against Israeli civilians and the many innocent victims of terrorism that die almost daily. You and I can talk with family, friends and neighbours about Israel’s efforts to advance freedom, democracy, education and human rights as the only democracy in the Middle East.
Here in Canada, where tolerance and acceptance seem to be king, it is your responsibility and mine to stand for the truth. As followers of Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus the Messiah, both Jews and non-Jews must study and then share the truths of the Word of God. We must “not be ashamed of the Gospel” as Rabbi Sha’ul (the Apostle Paul) encourages us in Romans 1:16. We must let our voices be heard loudly and clearly.
We stand with Israel, Canada and all nations who desire to live and promote freedom, justice, democracy, equality and other values that result from God’s Word, the Bible.
We stand with the Jewish people of Canada, Israel and around the world, and for their right to worship and live productive lives as citizens of those nations.
We stand with the nation of Israel and her right to exist in the historic land where Jewish people have lived for generations and thousands of years.
We also condemn any and all acts of antisemitism whether in word, action, thought or intention. And we call upon authorities at the local, provincial, national and even international levels to do the same to stop discriminatory actions such as the ones that took place recently at McGill University in Montreal.
And we pray that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will bring about His peace that comes from knowing Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus the Messiah, the only and true Prince of Peace – not only for the Jews but for all peoples and all nations.
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