1. The Bible teaches God created Jewish people, giving the land of Israel as a rightful inheritance (Genesis 15:18–21, 17:1-6; Joshua 15:47; Romans 11:29).
2. The Bible teaches God promised to bless Jewish people and chose His people to be a light and witness of His truth among the nations (Genesis 12:3; Isaiah 44:8, 60:3).
3. The Bible teaches God will remain faithful to Jewish people in keeping with His covenant promises (Jeremiah 31:35–37; Romans 11:28–29).
4. The Bible teaches Satan has sought and will continue to seek the destruction of Jewish people through Israel’s enemies but will ultimately fail (Daniel 10:18–21, 12:1–4; Zechariah 12:9–12, 14:2–3).
5. The Bible teaches Israel will embrace the gospel in the end of days through Jesus the Messiah, who will return to reign as King (Romans 11:25–36; Zechariah 12:10, 14:9–19, Matthew 23:37–39).
6. The Bible calls all to pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6).
7. The Bible teaches Gentile believers in Jesus, “who formerly were far off [but] have been brought near by the blood of Christ,” should identify with the people of Israel, bearing their burdens, concerns, and challenges (Romans 11:17; Ephesians 2:12; Psalm 122:8–9).
8. The Bible calls believers to love and bear witness to Jewish people and to comfort those who mourn, especially those whose loved ones were murdered or kidnapped since October 7, 2023 (Romans 11:11, 12:15; Matthew 25:31–40).
At this critical time in Israel’s history, we, as a ministry to Jewish people, are compelled to explicitly declare these affirmations. We invite you to join us in standing with Israel during this difficult time by adding your signature to this document.
Mitch Glaser, PhD
President & Chief Executive Officer
Rich Freeman, DMin
Vice President of Church Ministries and Conferences
Mitch Forman
Vice President of U.S. Ministries
David Sedaca
Vice President
Gregory Hagg, PhD
Vice President of Academic Training
Dave Lee, CPA
Chief Financial Officer
Roy Schwarcz
Vice President of Congregational Ministries
Ryan Karp
Greater New York Regional Director
Mitch Forman
New England Regional Director
Michael Cohen
West Coast Regional Director
Olivier Melnick
Southwest Regional Director
Robert Walter
Greater New York Regional Director
Michael Herts, PsyD
Southeast Regional Director
Dennis Karp
Mid-Atlantic Regional Director
Daniel Nessim, PhD
Northwest Regional Director
Brian Crawford, DMin
Director of Digital Evangelism
Lawrence Hirsch
Executive Director of Celebrate Messiah Australia
Jorge Sedaca
Executive Director of Chosen People Ministries (Canada)
Fernando Mercado
Vice President of Communications and Marketing
Cindy Forbes
Partnership Director
Scott Brown
Staff Member